Common Questions
Addressing Your Concerns
Where is the Sheriff's Office located?
We are located at 35 Court Street (Route 7) in Middlebury. It is the red brick building across from the Subway / Kinney Drugs plaza. There are a few parking spots right on Court Street in front of the building and parking on the South side and in the back of the building. Walk back to Court Street and the main entrance is at the front of the building up the concrete steps. Ring the video doorbell and you will be buzzed into the building. The front desk is through the door to the right when you walk in. If you need to use an entrance that is ADA compliant, give us a call at (802) 388- 2981 and we will let you in the back. Welcome to our office!
How can I report a crime?
If you have an immediate emergency or there is a crime currently in progress, dial 9-1-1.
If you would like to report a crime that is not currently in progress, please call our office at (802) 388-2981 and we will connect you with an officer as soon as possible.
How can I get a copy of a police report?
Please call our office at (802) 388-2981 or email
Please have the case number available for reference. NOTE: Not all police records are available to the public. After arraignment in court, the affidavits in criminal cases are available from the district court.
Can I get a VIN check?
VIN checks are available for free to residents of towns that the Sheriff's Department has a contract with for police services (To see this list of contracted towns, please click here). Please call to make an appointment to have a Deputy come by to complete the form. VIN Check forms are available for download here
For all other residents, there is a $20 charge that can either be paid in cash or check prior to the service
If you are able to bring the vehicle to our office at 35 Court St, Middlebury, there is no charge. Please call to check availability of an officer before bringing the vehicle.